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Helen Gross

Corporations are Responsible for the Climate Crisis- Cody Clark

The report in the climate crisis that nobody likes to talk about is the report that says 100 companies are responsible for 71% Of carbon emissions. Corporations have exploited the earths natural recourses for so long and its making them money. ExxonMobil, Shell, and BP are among the oil extraction companies who are most responsible for the climate crisis. Their websites talk just enough about climate change to make their consumers think that they care, but are continuing to extract fossil fuels, in a time when all fossil fuels must stay in the ground because our future depends on it.

Lets take Exxon for example. Decades ago, Exxon had cutting edge climate research. After they realized that they could make money off of fossil fuels, they hid their research and denied the threat of climate change. Once their lies came to light, they said that climate change is real but there will always be a need for oil, so they will always stay in business. It is 2019, and they deny the whole scandal.

In reality, Exxon did know about the threat of climate change. However, they are also in a position to create jobs and be corporate climate leaders. If they stop extracting fossil fuels and train their workers how to do renewable energy jobs, they could help provide a just transition under a Green New Deal and lead the way for other corporations. Here is the proper way for that to happen.

Release an apology to future genertions. Take accountability for your part in the climate crisis, for fossil fuel extractions, for everything.

Put an immediate end to all fracking and fossil fuel extractions in the company.

Stop investments in all other fossil fuel companies.

Release training initiatives, which will train your employees how to work renewable energy jobs.

Start developing and distributing renewable energy. Hell, do work on solar airplanes, trucks, boats. Exxon is run by smart people, and they have a team of extremely capable engineers.

As good of an opportunity as this is, its not about money. There’s no economy on a dead planet. There’s no economy after the 6th mass extinction. Its about lives. Its about your kids, my kids, and how you want to go down in history. I am confident we will solve the climate crisis, but will you be part of the problem or part of the solution?

Even corporations who aren’t on the 100 list perpetuate the climate crisis. Jeff Bezos, for example, has been ignoring and avoiding the demands of Amazon Employees for Climate Justice. Over 7500 Amazon employees signed an open letter asking Jeff Bezos to pass a climate shareholder resolution, which would include zero-emissions shipping and reduction of harm to vaulnerable communities, among other things. Their open letter wasn’t demanding, and it was really the least that Jeff Bezos could do for amazon and its employees in a time of climate crisis. Corporate Cleanup started a petition with over 1500 signatures that still hasn’t gotten a response from Jeff Bezos and the amazon shareholders.

All corporations have a moral obligation to do their part to reduce their part in the climate crisis. They can do it now and help save the next generations, or they can wait and watch the youth burn. I ask Exxon, BP, Shell, Amazon, the 100 and all other corporations; Which will you choose?

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